Accurate DK, DF and roughness extraction in one click
MPX automates de-embedding and material property extraction by invoking ISD, ADK and X2D2 in the background. In just one mouse click, MPX extracts causal DK, DF and surface roughness by matching all IL, RL, NEXT, FEXT and TDR/TDT. (Most other tools only match IL.) Besides generating self-consistent length- and frequency-scalable models, MPX outputs a detailed PDF report. Through MPX, material characterization cannot be made easier.

Many models are available:

See the MPX advantages:

X2D2 is a novel BEM-based 2D RLGC field solver that has been correlated with numerous actual measurements. X2D2 models causal dielectric and surface roughness and outputs S parameters and tabulated W-element models. Click HERE for more information and HERE to download a free starter version of 2D field solver.